Welcome to my thoughts, inspirations, likes and dislikes...could get a little messy!

This space is here for me to blab and hopefully give others a view on what makes me tick..happy..or just think!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Alice AKA Ashlyn and her Wonderland Party!

Crazy to think, but Ashlyn is already 4 years old! Erica and Scott always plan really cute themed lil parties and this one was definitely fun and captured in many photos. The night before Erica, mom and I used almost all of our lung capacity to blow up over 70 balloons...but well worth it! Erica had planned on having Alice and Wonderland cake toppers...but they were not mailed to them in time (they actually received them the day after the party, go figure) But that is okay Ash never knew the difference! She was all smiles and had a great party...now to think about next year....Scott mentioned a super hero party...love that idea...to be cont...

All the balloons!
Grandpa and Grandpa Momyer
Me and the birthday girl!
So many presents!
You know just chillin with a big green hat!


So my parents brought a new edition into the family in the past couple of weeks. He is absolutely adorable, but packs a lil bite...his baby teeth are coming in and poor thing wants to naw on everything! That is okay though...soon that will pass and he will (fingers crossed) be pleasant as can be :)

Right now his activities include: Sleeping, pooping, peeing, playing, eating ..again and again...love him!  More pics in the future of how he grows into the cutest ever! :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Call me crazaay, but I love Hanson!

So I can't believe it has been 2 years since Holly and I went to the Hanson concert at the Moore Theatre in Seattle...but time flies! So I am minding my business doing all my paperwork at the office listening to the radio..when I hear that they are coming yet again on September 23, 2010. Looks like I will def be getting my tickets..can't wait!! :) They are amazing live.
My cousin Heather introduced me to Hanson and her obsession years back haha...Hanson was actually my first concert when they were popular with the infamous "MMMMMMM BOP!" Not to mention that Holly and I would dance and rock out to them in our first year of The Art Institute of Seattle apartment to them all the time, so I will always have a little soft spot for Hanson. Here are a few pics from our 2008 concert. Enjoy!

Holly and I waiting for the concert to start..cropped, but Holly had on a great vintage Hanson shirt haha

The boys sang acapella and it was so great!

2010 pics to come...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Shanda's Gallery find!

So I recently received a phone call from a lovely friend who is in Maui with her husband Matt (for their honeymoon..whoo hoo!!). She left a voicemail about a gallery that they found. She doesn't usually stop in places like that, but for some reason was drawn into this photographers work. So I look up the photographer by the name of Peter Lik. He is amazing, I absolutely see why she went in! Below is his link..ENJOY!
Peter Lik